Assess | Secure | Inform
Colorado-based Commercial & Residential Cyber Training & Services

Home Network Services

How secure is your home network?

As consumers, we do everything online from the comfort of our homes- shop, work, email, and manage our finances. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) typically provide minimal protections in the out-of-box configurations on your home router. Many consumers strive for ease of access and functionality in getting their home network up and running with basic configurations. Truth be told, a more comprehensive configuration of of our home network routers are needed to protect our financial data, personal identity, and other activity on our networks from eavesdropping and other cyber criminal activities. Do you know all the devices that are currently connected to your network? Are you confident in the security of your financial information and day-to-day online activity? Let Intrinsic Cyber Solutions & Services assess and secure your home network for better protectio of your online activity and personal information.

Intrinsic Home Network Solutions

New Network Setup

Beyond the intial connection and providing the consumer with the network password, your "basic" installation service from Comcast, CenturyLink, Xfinity, or other Internet Service Provider typically does not include any additional configurations or security controls. Our professionals will take the hand-off from your Internet Service Provider to finish the job! Our New Network Setup services includes, but not limited to, the following **:

* May require additional equipment and installation/configuration

** NOTE: New Network Setup & configurations may be limited to router/device features and connected devices

Existing Network Assessment & Protection

Our Cybersecurity professionals will review your current router configuration and device connections. Based on this analysis, we'll provide a series of recommendations to improve your network security to include the following **:

* May require additional equipment and installation/configuration

** NOTE: Existing Network Assessment security recommendations may be limited to router/device features and connected devices

Contact Intrinsic to schedule the secure setup and configuration of your new network or assessment of your existing network.